Monday, 23 December 2013

Onion Juice for Hair Growth and Reversing Grey

Onion Juice for Hair Growth and Reversing Grey.....

alopecia areata

Onions are more than just a healthy vegetable. They have been shown to help increase hair growth and reverse grey hair when applied to the scalp.

Onion juice has been used for hundreds of years to treat thin and greying hair.

Onion juice helps by providing nourishment and circulation to the hair follicles. It also kills germs, parasites, and is helpful in treating some fungi infections, all of which can aid in prevention of hair loss.

Onions are also high in sulfur, which helps in regenerating the hair follicles, and they are beneficial in decreasing inflammation.
alopecia areata

One study from the Journal of Dermatology found that just after four weeks of using onion juice, 74% of individuals with alopecia areata experienced significant hair regrowth. Within six weeks of using onion juice, 84% of the individuals were reported to have hair regrowth.
How to Make Onion Juice

When I first started researching using onion juice for hair growth, I immediately did a search for where I could buy some. Even though you can buy it online, it is better to use the juice of a fresh onion as any juice you purchase is stored for months and the fresh juice will be more potent. It is best to make the juice in small amounts so it is does not have to be stored for a long period of time.

There are 3 Ways You Can Make Onion Juice:

1) Juicer- If you have a juicer, this is the easiest way to make onion juice. Just peel the onion, cut it in half and put it in the juicer.
alopecia areata

2) Blender/Food Processor- Peel the onion and cut it into about 4 sections, then put them into your blender or food processor and start blending. Lastly, strain the mixture so that only the juice is remaining.

3) Grater – Peel the onion and cut it in half. Grate both halves of the onion over a dish and then strain the mixture to get just the juice.
How to Use Onion Juice for Hair

For the first application of onion juice, you may want to test it on a small area (in case you may be allergic to it) or water down the mixture. Even though it’s natural, pure onion juice is strong.

Apply the onion juice daily to your scalp and lightly massage it in, this helps stimulate the hair follicles and allows for maximum absorption.

Leave the onion Juice on for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Eww! The smell is powerful, but the results may be worth it! To avoid smelling like onion all day, you can apply it at night and then wash it out before you go to bed.

If you’re allergic to onions or are looking for another option, another common remedy for thinning hair is ginseng.
alopecia areata

Using onion-honey mixture :Take one-fourth cup of raw onion juice and add honey to it. Use this to massage your scalp on a daily basis to see the difference.

Onion is a natural anti dandruff solution:Applying onion juice on scalp for half an hour before washing your hair with a shampoo can be very effective for treating dandruff.

Olive Oil and Honey for Treatment of Dandruff:Take 1/4th portion of honey and mix t into 3/4th portion of Olive oil. Apply on your scalp and hair and wrap a hot towel over it and wash after some time with a mild shampoo.
alopecia areata

Must Share....

alopecia areata

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Man’s hand grafted to his foot for transplant

Man’s hand grafted to his foot for transplant
Man’s hand grafted to his foot for transplant

When a body part becomes severed from the body there is a very small window of time in which a doctor can successfully reattach it - usually no more than a couple of hours. Putting the body part on ice certainly lengthens the window, but not by much. Without a blood supply, the muscles and other structures begin to die. Unfortunately, even with immediate medical attention, it isn’t always possible to operate on a patient for various reasons. This was the case for Xiao Wei from China who lost his hand in a work related accident. 
Wei’s entire right arm was crushed and had injuries that were far too extensive to immediately reattach his hand. It wouldn’t last long on ice, so to keep the hand alive while doctors tended to the other injuries, the hand was attached to his ankle. They tapped into arteries in the leg in order to get blood circulating throughout the hand. This might seem crazy, but this presents the best possible chance for Wei to be able to keep his hand and regain normal function.
A month after the initial injury, Wei’s arm had finally healed up well enough and the hand was reattached to his arm. Doctors speculate that several other surgeries will be required for him to regain full use of the hand, but they are optimistic that the entire ordeal will be labeled a great success. 
Grafting body parts onto unrelated body parts in order to keep them alive has been very successful among Chinese doctors lately, though it is still a fairly rare occurrence. Earlier this year, a teenage girl who became disfigured after a severe burn as a child was able to grow a new face on her breast, and a man grew a nose on his forehead following a traffic accident.
- See more at:

Monday, 16 December 2013

Tips to Prevent Uric Acid Disease / GOUT

Tips to Prevent Uric Acid Disease/GOUT

7 Tips to Prevent Uric Acid Disease / GOUT

Some of these tips can help prevent an increase in uric acid in the blood. These tips include changes in lifestyle and diet should be regularly and strictly adhered to, if not affected by gout or uric acid disease relapse.
Uric Acid Disease / GOUT
1. Lose Weight In Staged
If overweight, reduce gradually, because losing weight can help lower uric acid levels. But avoid excessively strict diet, follow a healthy diet here. Losing weight drastically with excessive dieting may precipitate an attack of gout. That’s great if accompanied with regular exercise.
Uric Acid Disease / GOUT
2. Eat Foods Low Purine (Diet Low Purine)

Purine is an organic component that causes gout. These substances are needed in the body to normal limits are met.@Restrict foods high in purines -
Organ meats such as liver, kidney, heart
Selected fish and shellfish
Meat & yeast extracts brewers and bakers yeast
Meat soups & stock cubes. Foods that can cause gout such as beans, mushrooms, cooked spinach, and mustard greens, goat meat, offal and lard (fat), shellfish, duck and turkey, salmon, mackerel, sardines, crab, shrimp , anchovy and some other fish, cream and ice cream, and sweet bread. Some foods containing purine content seen in the list below. It should be remembered that the sensitivity of a person to be exposed to uric acid after eating these foods will vary.

3. More White Water Consumption
Uric Acid Disease / GOUT
Approximately 90% of gout is caused by the inability of the kidneys remove uric acid from the body completely through urine. Water consumption is believed to improve the disposal of substances that are not useful as excessive uric acid from the body. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day.

4. Expand Food Containing Calcium and High Antioxidant

Eating calcium-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits such as bananas, potatoes, avocados, milk and yogurt. Eating fruits rich in vitamin C, especially citrus and strawberry.

5. Avoid Alcohol and Soft Drink Consumption

Alcohol can lead to increased production of uric acid, while soft drink consumption may inhibit the absorption of calcium and calcium even throw in vain.

6. Limit your consumption of fried food

Fats and oils turn rancid at high temperatures such as in frying time. Moreover, if the used oil is oil that is used repeatedly. Rancid fats which can quickly destroy vitamin E and causes an increase in uric acid in the blood.
Uric Acid Disease / GOUT
7. Increase Sexual Activity

These tips are more appropriate for those who have become husband and wife. Sexual activity, such as a kiss can make the body become more relaxed, so easy to boost the immune system. In addition, sexual intercourse can facilitate the production of urine so it can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Discipline, Awareness and Healthy Habits.

Again the key here is discipline. You should also take the time to learn about the food you eat, and take note of foods that seem to trigger your gout. There is no set uric acid level that triggers gout attacks, each person has a different threshold so you should pay attention to how your body reacts. You should also form some healthy habits to reduce uric acid and prevent gout attacks.
Uric Acid Disease / GOUT
If you are unsure about a part of your diet, consult your doctor about it. Even though there are a lot of resources online to help you, consulting with your doctor is still the best way to fine tune your diet and reduce uric acid levels.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Pressure Points for a Foot Massage

Pressure Points for foot MassagePressure Points for a Foot Massage

Massage the part of your foot that corresponds to the part of your body that hurts and it will slowly reduce and eventually get rid of pain. Helps promote blood circulation to that particular part of the body.

Press firmly on the tips of the toes to help relieve headache and sinus pain. Press firmly but do not cause pain. Hold the pressure on for several seconds at a time.
Pressure Points for a Foot Massage
Press firmly on the small rounded area just below the smallest toe. This pressure point is associated with pain in the shoulder and neck area. Apply pressure on this point for up to 20 seconds.
Pressure Points for a Foot Massage
Apply pressure to the area just below the ball of the foot to alleviate stomach problems. Firm pressure held for several seconds and then repeated could be beneficial to the digestive system.
Pressure Points for a Foot Massage

Apply pressure to the area just in front of the ankle on the bottom of the foot to help relieve knee pain.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Morning Sex Drive Improves Power Mood And Increase Stamina in Bed

Morning Sex Drive Improves Power Mood And Increase Stamina in Bed

Men Really Like Women doing Morning Sex | Want to start your day feeling healthy and positive? Look no further than the Bed Room, suggests a new study

According to the research, adults who make love first thing in the morning apparently not only feel more upbeat for the rest of the day, but also benefit from a stronger immune system.

The study suggests that adults who begin their day this way are healthier and happier than those who simply opt for a cup of tea and some toast before heading out of the door.

Not only does it make them less likely to catch a cold or flu, it can also improve the quality of their hair, skin, and nails.

"Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long," the Daily Mail quoted Dr Debby Herbenick, an American research scientist and sex advice columnist, as saying.

Dr Herbenick, author of the book Because It Feels Good, added: "It makes you stronger and more beautiful too: Morning sex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection.

"And it releases chemicals that boost levels of oestrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair."

Other studies suggest that the benefits do not end there. A study at Queens University in Belfast found that having sex three times a week could halve the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Research from Nottingham University also revealed that men who kept up a regular sex life in their 50s were also at lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

AISOS - World's First Sex School Opens in Austria | Sex Education

AISOS - World's First Sex School Opens in Austria | Sex Education

Most Brits think it's an activity best learned behind closed doors.

But an enterprising Swedish schoolmistress thinks otherwise.

Ylva-Maria Thompson has opened the world's first international sex school to teach its students how to be better lovers.

The Austrian International Sex School in Vienna offers 'hands on' lessons in seduction for £1,400 a term.
World's First Sex School

The 'headmistress' says anyone over the age of 16 can enrol at 'the world's first college of applied sexuality'.

Students live in a mixed sex dormitory block where they're expected to practise their homework.

And at the end of the course, they are awarded a qualification.

The new school head said: 'Our core education is not theoretical, but very practical. The emphasis is on how to be a better lover.

'Sexual positions, caressing techniques, anatomical features. And we teach people hands on.'

School spokesperson Melodi Kirsch added: 'We are confident that the school will be a great success.

'Ylva-Maria has worked for a long time on this idea and has received much encouragement and interest.'

The school has already been controversial in Austria.

Raunchy adverts showing a couple making love have already been banned by Austrian TV.

One protester said: 'This is wrapped up in a very stylish way but it is just selling sex.

Fingering A Girl Techniques | Female Masturbation

Fingering A Girl Techniques | Female Masturbation

Fingering A Girl Techniques | Female Masturbation
Fingering A Girl Techniques is the manual manipulation of the clitoris, vulva, vagina, or anus for the purpose of sexual arousal and stimulation. It may constitute the entire sexual encounter or it may be part of mutual masturbation, foreplay or other sexual activities. To "finger oneself" is to masturbate in this manner. It is analogous to a handjob, the manual stimulation of the penis. These activities provide sexual pleasure, whether or not used as non-penetrative or penetrative intercourse. 

Vaginal fingering is legally and medically called "digital penetration of the vagina," and may involve one or more fingers. 

Outside the vagina 
Massage of the vulva, and in particular the clitoris, is the most common way for a woman to reach and achieve an orgasm. The clitoral body or shaft may be massaged, usually through the skin of the clitoral hood, using up-and-down, side-to-side, or circular motions.[1] The labia and the rest of the genitals are also stimulated by massage and fingering. 

Inside the vagina 
Fingering the vagina is often performed in an effort to stimulate the G-Spot or A-spot. Fingering the external tissues is more likely to lead to orgasm for many women. The G-Spot is located roughly 5 cm up on the anterior wall of the vagina, forwards toward the belly button. It can most easily be recognized by its ridges and slightly rougher texture compared to the more cushion-like vaginal cavity walls around it. The A-spot is located deeper in the vagina, on the same wall as the G-Spot, where the vaginal wall starts to curve upward (the entrance to the anterior fornix). 

Fingering the G-Spot is a commonly cited method that can often lead to female ejaculation. This release of fluid can range significantly in quantity and force of expulsion, varying from woman to woman and also varying with different scenarios for each woman. The fluid following a G-Spot ejaculation is released from the urethra but is not urine, as its contents do not come in contact with those of the bladder at any stage. This female ejaculate contains antibodies otherwise only found in the male prostate, leading to speculation that it is produced by a structure homologous to the prostate. Parallels are sometimes drawn with the fingering or other manipulation of the male prostate through the anus. Fingering the A-spot is a relatively uncommon method that can often result in rapid lubrication and arousal without any other stimulation. If stimulation is continued, it can also result in orgasm. 

Some women have cited the "come hither" approach as a significant catalyst to orgasm. This technique involves the middle finger, sometimes additionally the index finger, making a hand gesture like "come here" with the palm facing upwards against her pubic bone. There is no technique for stimulating the G-Spot or A-spot that is preferred by all women. 

Medical professionals suggest washing the hands before contact with the vagina, to avoid spreading bacteria and causing infections. Worthy of special attention is the washing of hands after any finger contact with the anus, to avoid the spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina. 

Anal fingering 
The practice may be pleasurable because of the large number of nerve endings in the anal area, and because of the added stimulation gained from stretching the anal sphincter muscles while inserting the finger. 

A good quality sexual lubricant is advisable to both increase the pleasurable sensation and aid insertion. Some people prefer to simply stimulate the outer ring of the anus, while others will follow this by inserting one or more fingers. Fingering may be seen as an act in itself, or as an arousing prelude in preparation for further anal sex. Anal fingering can arouse the receiver, allowing them to relax their anus and prepare them for the insertion of a penis or any other sexual instrument. 

Anal fingering is also an effective way of stimulating the prostate gland in males, and thus may bring the receiver to orgasm. Anal fingering can also stimulate the perineal sponge in females. 

The practice is generally considered 'safe sex' as long as the hands are protected with latex gloves. The nails should be trimmed and filed; long, sharp or jagged nails can cause cuts, injury, or severe infection. If there are cuts, infections, or open wounds on the fingers extreme protection and care is necessary. If finger cots are used they may slip off and remain inside the receptive partner. The hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and warm water before practicing any other activity to avoid spreading bacteria or germs. In stimulating both the anus and vagina, separate latex gloves are to be used for each so as to avoid cross contamination.