Onion Juice for Hair Growth and Reversing Grey.....
alopecia areata
Onions are more than just a healthy vegetable. They have been shown to help increase hair growth and reverse grey hair when applied to the scalp.
Onion juice has been used for hundreds of years to treat thin and greying hair.
Onion juice helps by providing nourishment and circulation to the hair follicles. It also kills germs, parasites, and is helpful in treating some fungi infections, all of which can aid in prevention of hair loss.
Onions are also high in sulfur, which helps in regenerating the hair follicles, and they are beneficial in decreasing inflammation.
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One study from the Journal of Dermatology found that just after four weeks of using onion juice, 74% of individuals with alopecia areata experienced significant hair regrowth. Within six weeks of using onion juice, 84% of the individuals were reported to have hair regrowth.
How to Make Onion Juice
When I first started researching using onion juice for hair growth, I immediately did a search for where I could buy some. Even though you can buy it online, it is better to use the juice of a fresh onion as any juice you purchase is stored for months and the fresh juice will be more potent. It is best to make the juice in small amounts so it is does not have to be stored for a long period of time.
There are 3 Ways You Can Make Onion Juice:
1) Juicer- If you have a juicer, this is the easiest way to make onion juice. Just peel the onion, cut it in half and put it in the juicer.
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2) Blender/Food Processor- Peel the onion and cut it into about 4 sections, then put them into your blender or food processor and start blending. Lastly, strain the mixture so that only the juice is remaining.
3) Grater – Peel the onion and cut it in half. Grate both halves of the onion over a dish and then strain the mixture to get just the juice.
How to Use Onion Juice for Hair
For the first application of onion juice, you may want to test it on a small area (in case you may be allergic to it) or water down the mixture. Even though it’s natural, pure onion juice is strong.
Apply the onion juice daily to your scalp and lightly massage it in, this helps stimulate the hair follicles and allows for maximum absorption.
Leave the onion Juice on for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Eww! The smell is powerful, but the results may be worth it! To avoid smelling like onion all day, you can apply it at night and then wash it out before you go to bed.
If you’re allergic to onions or are looking for another option, another common remedy for thinning hair is ginseng.
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Using onion-honey mixture :Take one-fourth cup of raw onion juice and add honey to it. Use this to massage your scalp on a daily basis to see the difference.
Onion is a natural anti dandruff solution:Applying onion juice on scalp for half an hour before washing your hair with a shampoo can be very effective for treating dandruff.
Olive Oil and Honey for Treatment of Dandruff:Take 1/4th portion of honey and mix t into 3/4th portion of Olive oil. Apply on your scalp and hair and wrap a hot towel over it and wash after some time with a mild shampoo.
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